Embrace the Mess,  Fulfill Your Life,  Love on Purpose,  Mama Lain,  Pursue Your Dreams,  Truth,  Uncategorized

Love.Messy.Life. LAUNCH!!

It’s here! It’s here! It’s REALLY, finally HERE!

Hello and Welcome Everyone!

I am SOOOO excited and giddy (not to mention terrified and nervous) to introduce my new blog: Love.Messy.Life.!

Love.Messy.Life. is a personal growth and lifestyle blog where I plan to share stories and perspective from my life, knowledge and insight I’ve gained, things I love to love, and passions and ideas I hope to spread.

My primary goal for Love.Messy.Life. is to practice loving MY messy life and inspire others to love theirs too. <3

The tagline for Love.Messy.Life. is “But First, Truth.” It represents my commitment to being honest and genuine in this space. I will not pretend to know everything, I will not share things that are too private to be shared honestly, and I will not waste my time (or yours) by creating content I’m not willing or able to be truthful about.

I have been working on developing this site, and enough content to feel ready to launch, for over a YEAR! It has been quite a journey already – with a blogging learning curve that still has a LOOOONG way to go – but I’m finally ready to start.

I have a basic structure, a few months of content I am passionate about, more ideas I’m excited to start, and lots of dreams about learning and expanding over time.

The four main sections of the site represent broad categories I plan to organize content by. They include: Truth, Love on Purpose, Embrace the Mess, and Fulfill Your Life. The fifth section, “Mama Lain,” will compile all parenting-related content into a one-stop shop. I share a little more detail about the thoughts behind these categories on my About Love.Messy.Life. page.

There are a some things I’d like you to know now that Love.Messy.Life. is officially being launched:

  1. The first real post will be released tomorrow: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 10am EDT.
  2. I plan to post about 1x per week – give or take.
  3. Posts will be shared on days/times that I schedule ahead of time due to my day job and family life.
    • I will only read and respond to comments and activity outside of work and family time.
  4. Initial posts will dabble in several topic areas to provide a glimpse into the variety of content I hope to create.
  5. Posts may vary widely in quality, styles and techniques because:
    • I am still finding my public writing voice.
    • I am still learning the fundamentals of formatting posts and the variety of tools available to me.
    • I am practicing using my own (very non-professional, very amateur) photography. This is a time-consuming side-project to take on (and who knew that selfie-taking is so awkward and HARD!?) but I want the imagery to feel personal and related to the content.
  6. You may see me dabbling in basic advertising and affiliate marketing as I explore the possibilities for income in the online environment.
    • Making money is not the primary goal of this blog, but I am allowing myself to dream. Therefore, I am interested in understanding how these things work in practice.
    • I would LOVE feedback about these things impact your experience as a reader.

I would be humbled, honored, and THRILLED if you took the time to check out my content over the next few months. I do NOT expect to be everyone’s cup of tea – and that’s ok. Of course, I would be grateful if you considered sharing the site, or specific posts, with others that you think may be interested.

To Learn more about my plans for this blog, check out the ABOUT LOVE.MESSY.LIFE. page.

To Learn more about me, check out the ABOUT LAINEY page.

Okay – I think that’s all the “Getting Started” talking points. LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!

Who’s all out there!? Help me get to know you and brainstorm future content!! Please share in the comments below 🙂

  • How did you stumble across this post?
  • What are you most likely to stop and read about online?
  • What types of information do you do Google searches for?
  • What types of stories & experiences do you find valuable when other people share?
  • For anyone who may know me, what are some subjects YOU think I should write about?

THANK YOU for being here!

Cheers to Dreams and New Adventures!! <3


More about this blog: About Love.Messy.Life More about the author: About Lainey


  • Jenn Moffett

    Heyyyy! I stumbled across this page from you, because I’ve known you, literally my whole life! Lucky you! Lol!

    I will stop over and read just about anything you throw at me!

    Oh gosh, what do I google search? What I don’t google search is probably a smaller list! Parenting stuff? Oh yeah! Obsecure information that means literally nothing? Heck yeah! Who is the actor in the tv show I’m watching? Yup, that too! How to finish this stupid game I’m playing? Yeah, that too! My youtube search history is just as crazy!

    I think the best stories and experiences people can share are the ones that are genuine! So much that’s on the internet comes across as super not genuine, and it’s really too bad.

    I think just about anything you write about will be wonderful to read, and I’ll be here cheering you on the whole time!

    • lovemessylife

      Lucky Me is right!
      I may have to have you guest-write about being a gamer (Gamer-Mom!?) someday! 🙂
      Thanks for being here to cheer me on my dear cousin <3 Means the world to me!

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